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Most lack the ability to successfully close the deal. You may have great ideas, you may be invited to the table, BUT most are unable to successfully execute your desired intentions.
Coinology® is a business enlightenment program that has been created and developed by The Certified Deal Closer, Ebony Porter-Ike. The Coinology® program has been developed for the like minded individuals who want more out of life and desire to truly live out their dreams.
Coinology is the rebirthing of the concept of the Talented Tenth coined in 1903 by black educator and author W.E.B. Du Bois, emphasizing the necessity for higher education to develop the leadership capacity among the most able 10 percent of black Americans. Coinology is forgetting the higher education component and focusing on the skills and techniques among the most able 10 percent of 21st century black Americans. Ebony Porter-Ike, the Certified Deal Closer, created Coinology: The Podcast, to redefine the definition of the Talented Tenth, and invites her peers and audience to join her on an impactful and educational journey of navigating entrepreneurship.
Watch Season 3 Now!
Watch Season 2 Now!
Coinology, The Podcast’s YouTube Page
Now you can have BOTH. Dive into Coinology Vol 1 & Vol 2.
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Have you ever wondered how some excelled at business while others struggled? Has success in business always seemed unattainable or strictly by luck? Coinology VOL 2: Intentionally Winning cracks the code of success. Learn how to win in business ON PURPOSE.
Order yours today!
"Ebony's book Coinology is a game-changer. It coaches entrepreneurs and business owners into strategies that are easy to follow and will enable them to run their businesses - and lives - more efficiently. The principles taught in this book are timeless and they will work should you choose to put them into practice. I'm excited about reading the next book."
it also will assist you in obtaining an unparalleled amount of success. Most lack the ability to successfully close the deal. You may have great ideas, you may be invited to the table, BUT most are unable to successfully execute your desired intentions.
and properly position yourself to WIN! Coinology® is a mastermind program which includes, webinars, conferences, coaching, speaking engagements, books, videos, clusters and merchandise. Each of these products were developed with the intention to fully assist its participants through their journey of success.
Most believe it’s just the business acumen that has allowed me to experience the level of success that I have. I would agree, that strong acumen plays a part, but it’s the minority of the equation. What really has made the difference has been my use of Coinology®. At the time, I didn’t know it to be Coinology® but it has been a mixture of self-awareness, evaluation, development and business prowess that has created me. Coinology® taught me to be true to who I am, be confident in that, and this assists me with sitting across from anyone, and demanding what I WANT & GETTING IT!
Free Webinars, Private Coinology® Facebook Community, Discovery Consultation Sessions, Coinology® Vol 1 - Authentically You Book, Coinology® Merchandise, Speaking Engagements, Coinology® Courses & more!
"Coinology is a game-changer. It coaches entrepreneurs and business owners into strategies that are easy to follow and will enable them to run their businesses - and lives - more efficiently. The principles taught in this book are timeless and they will work should you choose to put them into practice. I'm excited about reading the next book."
Coinology® is ONLY for those who are serious and ready to invest in themselves and create an unlimited amount of success personally and professionally.
Coinology® is ideal for the entrepreneur, currently struggling to:
Gain the caliber of clients that you desire
To be taken seriously in your respective field
Interested in the entrepreneur life but unsure of where to start